Hey folks, just a few reminders for the upcoming local convention!
The current up to date schedule for the weekend can be found here:
https://docs.google.com/a/indyfurcon.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ar-JeYtjh32xdHFfbjFEaTZ6X0UxWEowckNMRmtMVlE&output=html The Sponsors Lounge Menu and times are here:
http://www.indyfurcon.com/lounge BIG reminder, pre-reg closes in less than a week (July 30th), as does the deadline to get the convention rate at the hotel (TODAY July 26th). Alos, In case you weren't aware, the Indiana State Fair is in town before and after iFC. So rooms will be filling fast!
DJ slots, con book art, and programming is finished, thanks for all your help!
Please send in your art show requests! Click here for more info:
http://www.indyfurcon.com/artshowWe still need more donations for the Charity Auction!
2 more weeks to iFC! Have your reg'd yet? Today is the LAST day to get the discounted rate at the hotel as well~
http://www.indyfurcon.com/hotel Show your support for iFC with your own commemorative products to have at home! 10% of the funding goes to help provide programming for the convention. Get yours today!
http://www.indyfurcon.com/constore We also still have dealers tables left, if you are wanting one.
Thanks yall,