Demonstrators clashed with police Friday in Pakistan, Jordan and Algeria as anger flared among Muslims over a French satirical weekly’s latest caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. A photographer with Agence France-Presse was shot and wounded, one of four people hurt in the Pakistan melee. Это раз.
Afghanistan and Pakistan, home to al-Qaida and Taliban militants and the focus of the longest war in U.S. history, face a new, emerging threat from the Islamic State group.
Officials have told The Associated Press that disenchanted extremists from the Taliban and other organizations, impressed by the Islamic State group’s territorial gains and slick online propaganda, have begun raising its black flag in extremist-dominated areas of both countries. Это два.
Как-то все в кучно пошло. Ставки по-видимому весьма высоки. Вот кто тут режиссер, а кто исполнитель? Либо, что вероятнее, серьезные игроки начали повышать ставки. Весна то уже близко.