Got milk?

Feb 19, 2020 04:28

When I came home from the gym today, Helga was in the kitchen with a British couple we met here (the kid was napping). They dropped by and were having a glass of wine with Helga and chatting while Helga was waiting to take the pie out of the oven. I said hi and left to change quickly to join them. I took two one-liter bottles (slightly over half a gallon) of sheep milk from the fridge in the kitchen with me. I drank both bottles while changing (I like sheep milk as a post-workout drink) and came back to the kitchen with the empty bottles to join them.

British girl: I am sorry, did you just drink two liters of milk in like five minutes?

Me: Yes. It is sheep milk. I am thinking about having some more. Would you like some, guys?

British girl: Two liters? Two liters of milk in five minutes? (Picks one of the empty bottles and reads the label). Of full-fat sheep milk? It is 120 grams of fat and 105 grams of protein. It is almost double the daily dose in five minutes.

People really do not realise how much food it takes to keep my 6'7" body going the way my mind wants it to go and the way I make it go every day. It always comes as a shock to them when they first get exposed to it. I can sometimes have three liters in one go after a workout. And I'll still have lunch or dinner as usual later.

Milk is awesome. And it has to be whole milk. All that semi-skimmed and skimmed nonsense is not milk.


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