Mar 24, 2019 20:21
So I stopped thinking about Brexit. I decided that I am actually in the best spot one can be when it comes to it.
Firstly, I'll get to be pissed off no matter what happens. If the UK leaves the EU with no single market, freedom of movement, etc, I will be pissed off because I am an EU citizen permanently based in London and I did not want Brexit to happen. If the UK does not leave the EU or there is another referendum, I will be pissed off that the results of the referendum weren't respected and the will of the people was not done but instead the ruling class just created a situation where they could keep asking the people to vote over and over again until the great unwashed finally vote "the right way".
So no matter what happens I'll still get to be pissed off about it, which is great. I think that these days nobody will consider you a cool and responsible person if you are not permanently outraged and pissed off about everything. I realised this a while ago and now whenever someone brings up current events I haven't heard about I just shake my head and sigh as if I am pissed off and outraged about it and it always is the right reaction and it always works.
Secondly, I will not really be affected much no matter what happens. I will remain an EU citizen and I will continue to live in London. I own property in London, I do not need to work ever again and I do not depend on any social payments, etc. And I am married to Helga who is British. So Brexit won't really affect me that much.
So I'll be pissed off about but not affected by whatever happens, which obviously is the best position to be in. Not to mention that I won't bear any responsibility for whatever happens and will be able to just blame it all on the Brits who voted (or didn't).
PS: Should it have been "Brexit and I" rather than "Me and Brexit"?