I hate you

Apr 16, 2004 23:22

So I am really sick of being nice all the time! I hate how certain people are so immature. I tried to be nice, I tried to be the bigger person, but it didn't get me anywhere so now I'm going to be a bitch...

3 words to describe how I feel : I Hate You
20 Reasons why:
1. I hate you for being in control of my life.
2. I hate you for never thinking I was good enough.
3. I hate you for manipulating me.
4. I hate you for bringing me down.
5. I hate you for choosing my friends.
6. I hate you for being a hypocrite
7. I hate you for thinking only of yourself.
8. I hate you for not appreciating me.
9. I hate you for taking me for granted.
10. I hate you for taking credit of my accomplishments.
11. I hate you for being jealous.
12. I hate you for not understanding.
13. I hate you for putting me through hell.
14. I hate you for hating my happiness.
15. I hate you for hating my friends.
16. I hate you for trying to predict my life.
17. I hate you for trying to distroy my dreams.
18. I hate you for being immature.
19. I hate you for limiting my fun.
20. most of all... I hate you for blaming others for your unhappiness.
No....I hope "your" happy now....

I refuse to let anyone be in control of my life becasue I am the only one who is. Yes, it took me a long time to realize that becasue I was blinded for so long. Now, I am back and ready to stick up for what I believe in becasue I have finally realized that people who bring me down are not worth my time.I think finally after 17 years I will be able to be the real me. No longer is there someone holding me back or trying to take credit for my hard work, now I am free to make my own choices.
How dare you try to predict my future, how dare you try to say I don't have any friends. Look around you...how many people are standing by your side? ...that's right...1. I think I have always had more friends than you ever will becasue my heart is pure, it isn't blackened with hatred, unlike yours. I know I am a better person than you, becasue you were the one who deserted me. Also, I don't give a shit if I didn't wish you a happy birthday...it's not bothering me so get over it!!!!!!! I know that in the future I will have a career, a loving husband, and a happy life. Whereas you will most likely end up in a physciatric ward of a hospital for severe depression and suicide attempts.Thanks for the old happy memories, but now you changed...and trust me...not for the better.
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