165 days left until graduation and counting....

Jan 02, 2005 23:39

well, hello 2005! where did the time go? 2004 equally shared extremely good times, and extremely bad times. more bad than good, but hey!, it's a new year. i don't feel any different..but things will change back at school. ♥ as i mentioned in the title, exactly 165 days left until graduation, 125 days until prom..but who's counting?

allow me to go over my vacation:
+ quit my job
+ purchased all my christmas presents for friends/family with my own money
+ sammie!!!
+ hung out with sarah
+ hung out with jen
+ wish i hung out with the other jen :(
+ trimmed my hair.
+ digital camera hp printer. thee best.
+ went to my mom's work.
+ watched a lot of t.v. [will &grace, price is right.]
+ church
+ christmas eve @jessica's. good food. great presents.
+ christmas day. good breakfast. great presents. [[i'm so glad everyone liked their presents]]
+ my presents: clothes [shirts, skirts, jammies] eminem cd. a lot more clothes
+ the grove x1
+ the block x2
+ brea mall x2
+ south coast x2
+ urban x1
+ newport
+ lots of rain
+ with the gift certificates i got for xmas, i got the cutest clothes.
+ a lot of rest
+ hung out with cory
+ ocean's twelve.
+ 3rd st.
+ in-n-out up the yin yang.
+ gained lbs.
+ johnny carson/seinfeld dvds.
+ oc dvds on it's way. damn backorder.
+ new years eve. depressing. ..
+ cleaning endlessly....
+ re-did layout today. i was bored.

last minute xmas tree.

loves of my life

my babyyy!!!

haha. she ate pollon and it stained her fur...sorry i'm obcessed. :X

&that's about it

tomorrow = back to school, FINALLY! i love it. sarah's birthday/birthday dinner.
wednesday = jennifer lives with me for a week/ braces.

new years resolutions
- cut down on the junkie foodssss
- excersize. =S
- don't give a flying hoot what people have to say.
- cut down on bringing myself down
- boys.. never again
- new job
..&&&a lot more.

i want to be an even better person than i was last year. it won't be hard. i'm a nice girl.
7 months and 8 days 'till im legal.

time for night night.

♥ christina
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