
Apr 03, 2009 02:05

My Day:
Despite my best efforts to sleep in this/yesterday morning, I had to get up by 7:00. I then spent almost four hours shoveling wet mulch in the rain (for non-Seattlites,"rain" means cold, cloudy, and extremely humid). I then retired to my abode and did an hour or so of work. I then took a wonderful nap in which I dreamed (for part of the time anyway) that I was a woman, and I think I ended up seducing someone. Maybe I was reliving the rumor that the ShamWow! guy punched a hooker. That's all the romance I had time for, as it was off to Aikido for a couple more hours of physical activity. I then returned home to spend close to another four hours at work finishing something up for those darling people on the East coast (you're so cute; yes, you are). Now is fast approaching "very late" by my standards, so I will go sleep. Hopefully, I will have appeased the Easties, and will not be needed again until a reasonable hour.

Today qualifies as "productive" in the category of "other people's stuff".

It is always my goal to have more days which involve getting my own stuff done, but other people pay better, and shoveling mulch is just fun, so I don't complain.
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