Title: Beautifully Broken
Author: E.E. Kelley
Summary: Without Christopher to keep him hidden, Wikus was quickly found by the MNU and forced back into captivity. The transformation too far along, there was little the officers could do but allow it to complete itself. Yet, even after he has become fully Prawn, they keep him around, determined to use
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You're also good at putting in nice little details that add a lot to the story, like Wikus struggling with the language, and the way Wikus shrinks back when he detects Christopher's agitation. These minor details and actions actually speak volumes to what he's been through.
Given the summary, you were probably heading this direction anyway, but one thing I'd like to see is how Christopher helps Wikus sort through some of his bad memories/flashbacks (DO I SEE CUDDLING POTENTIAL? YES I DO). Also it would be nice to see how Wikus adjusts to "normal" life again, the small quirks, perks, and difficulties. I imagine he'd find some parts of normal life pretty sweet (like regular meals) and other things really hard (like trusting people again).
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