(no subject)

Feb 06, 2006 22:54

Eye is very slowly getting better. Now I can go down to a drop every three hours, and at the doctor today I could read a few lines lower on the eye chart. I still have to go back in a week. In eleven days it'll be two months since this all started.

The novel is progressing, though much more slowly than nanowrimo. It is nice to have time to actually write decently and think seriously about things like phrasing instead of the anything goes if you get wordcount model. Today I completely changed a character's entrance and relationship with my MC. I was really hating what I had down before, as it was straying too far off towards annoying romance territory. Now the plot's been smacked back into fantasy.

I came up with a working title. For now it's "A Two-edged Land". I hate every title I come up with, but this at least has interesting multiple meanings. If you saw it on the side of a book would you pick it up or go ugh and pass?

7,124 / 95,000

iritis, writing

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