
Jul 18, 2006 00:48

Hey girls!

Congratulations for making it this far! It's been a rough ride, but I'm so proud of all of you and I really can't wait to see how this all ends up!

But now I need a favor of the three of you.

I need each of you to post your 3 favorite shots from the entire cycle, in numerical order. (Melanie, I actually need about 7 from you since your older shoots dissappear. Your favorite from each shoot would do, since I have one for each for Tanya and Natt.)

You'll see why after the winner is decided upon and announced!

You can put them here or e-mail them to me at

Good luck! <3

(EDIT: I have a few more pictures I need from everyone.

Tanya, I just need your favorite shot from the Silent Film theme.

That should be it for now, I'll keep everyone updated on which shots I need.)
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