May 24, 2011 14:03
This past weekend I was in Savannah, GA. And lo and behold what did my eye spy? Andre Leon Tally lumbering down the sidewalk in front of the Savannah College of Art and Design theater and Manolo Blahnik! Andre was giving Manolo the SCAD lifetime achievement award
I took pictures, but I was using a 35mm SLR at the time. So when I get them back from the printers I'll post them. I hope Andre's pictures come out.
He's HUGE. I mean, like 6 feet 10 inches tall huge. And he was wearing his usual Jedi-esque robes. He seems to have a hard time walking too.
Manolo Blahnik was in purple. All I really remember was that his hair was a bit crazy and that he was wearing purple and white striped socks and purple velvet shoes.
It was a very cool evening. Anyone from SCAD in here that was there? The fashion show was pretty good but the models didn't walk nearly as good as some of the girls we've seen on ANTM. The actual clothes, however, were really neat, from what I could see.
GAH!! Can't wait to get my pictures. I wanted to scream at Andre, "Andre. Leon. Tally! What is in your sal-on?!"
andré leon talley