Jul 27, 2009 21:19
If this has been posted before, I apologize. I've actually just been reading a tonnnnn of old posts, some which were controversial, and it got me thinking about something regarding ANTM that has been bothering me since I first saw the cycles.
In some of the earlier cycles, specifically cycles 1 and 4, it really bothers me how flippant Tyra and the panel acted towards sexual harassment. I understand that modeling "isn't always about being comfortable," but I think there's a big difference between not wanting to pose nude, for example, and someone trying to invade your space in a very intrusive and inappropriate way.
I think if some skeezy guy tried to reach up my skirt would affect my attitude for the rest of the day, and just might affect my work performance.
And even though I couldn't stand Keenyah in cycle 4, I think Tyra and the panel had an obligation to stand up to the South African male model, Bertini. Keenyah may have flirted with him initially, but before long it became clear that she was not comfortable, and he either didn't get it, or just ignored it, because, "hey, she was flirting with me before." In the words of Keenyah herself, there is a line, and just because someone consents to something once does not mean they are never allowed to NOT consent.
I was just watching cycle 4 online and that always bugs me...so I just wanted to share my thoughts.