
Jan 10, 2008 09:35

I've received some screen-cap requests through LJ and email, but I was just wondering if any of you wanted caps for anything in particular. And I'll share some of the most requested caps. Also, feel free to take anything and do whatever you wish, but please don't hotlink.

Edit: It'd probably be a better idea if, when referencing pictures, you'd post direct links rather than reposting the images from my URLs. Thanks!

Sorry for the captions covering Tyra-- I couldn't do anything about those. Also, some of the photos aren't the best quality. The CW's site has most of the Tyra photos for Cycles 7, 8, and 9. Cycle 1 had a weekly Tyra photo, sort of; but each week, the photo were hung up behind the judges, so there wasn't really a shot of them. Anyway, here are the photos in order:

Cycle 2:

Cycle 3:

Cycle 4:

Cycle 5:

Cycle 6:

Cycle 8 - Bathing suit photos:

The girls had to run up fourteen flights of stairs... only to have a photo shoot once they reached the top. I know it must have sucked hardcore, but most of these photos are hilarious:

Amanda (third photo kind of reminds me of Laocoön's face):




Kelle (oh, dear):





Just comment here if you would like any. If not, then that's cool, that's cool (I miss Dionne Brown Wholahay).

cycle 3 photo shoots, norelle van herk (3), cassie grisham (3), yaya dacosta johnson (3), cycle 5 photo shoots, kelle jacob (3), tyra banks, amanda swafford (3), screen-caps, nicole borud (3), cycle 2 photo shoots, cycle 6 photo shoots, ann markley (3), natasha galkina (8), eva marcille pigford (3), toccara jones (3), cycle 4 photo shoots, cycle 8 photo shoots

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