ANTM Girls in Knit.1

Jan 07, 2008 11:14

I know a couple smaller images of these spreads have been previously posted... but I bought the magazines so I could scan in the complete spreads. :) Enjoy!

"Stitches in Time", Winter 2007. Photos by Paul Amato.

"Back to the Future", Fall 2007. Photos by Paul Amato.

Bre & Kim
"Back to School", Fall 2007. Photos by Rose Callahan.

Bre & Kim
"Back... to Back", Fall 2007. Photos byRose Callahan.

I didn't really understand Kim's appeal on the show... but she grew out that hair... lost a little weight in her face... and now I think she's stunning. *_*

Also... I'm missing 1 of Samantha's photos and 2 of Bre's from the " Back" spread because my parent's scanner wanked out on me towards the end of my scanning spree. I'll try to re-scan them and post them later. <3 <3

bre scullark (5), samantha francis (8), caridee english (7), kim stolz (5)

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