I've made these polls since Cycle 4. So here we go again!
I would have added more questions, but they seem to have now limited the number of poll questions to fifteen. Oh, well. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Edit: Wow, I just realised that it's Saleisha. I'm an idiot. So, I before E except after C and if your name is Saleisha. Got it. Sorry, Saleisha fans.
Edit II: If you can't decide on an answer, you can just skip the question.
Edit III: Holy cow. The poll is just for fun. Regular rules apply for the comments.
Poll End-of-Cycle Poll VI Past polls:
Cycle 4 (Most of the images are broken.)
Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Also, Tootie's Saliesha's special images are
here if anyone wants to post them separately.