Hi Everyone! I was just searching around for information on cycle 8 since supposedly the preview pictures are meant to be up on tvguide.com today (They aren't, yet) and I came across this person's blog. I don't know if what they are saying is true, but it would kind of make sense that they hit up this location...I don't even remember if people had suggested/guessed that this would be a destination when there was that post a while back with trip suggestions.
The trip destination (usually taken when there are about 6 girls left) appears to be Australia this year. Which seems like a logical place - they do have a decent fashion scene and a lot of their stuff trickles over here, particularly surf/swim gear. No language barriers though, dammit! I love when they get lost on the go-sees and no one speaks english.
Sidenote - that is a nasty picture of Tyra. Yikes.