Tomorrow I'm going to be @ Camp Casey working the assorted ranges for the 2nd BCT. They've all got to get them selves qualified on an assortment of weapons for there up coming tour of Iraq. That being said, even though I'll be @ Casey...I will have little access to my LJ. I'm leaving outlook open so I will have 0 access to my e-mail. So if you write me and I don't write back...that's why. A major plus to this, is I'll be leaving my PC up and running so I can download the EFnet #punkrockvid's entire collection. I'm setting my shit to pick up every 60 seconds after disconnect...and to do that 1000 times. that way if the server goes I'll be able to pick up where I left off. Sure I'll have to sift trough all the crap I already have, but it'll be worth it.
Having tons of music video's is awesome.
I probably won't be able to read my friends page very much, so if something uber awesome happens..e-mail me your post. Then I can read it and comment when I get back.
On that note, I gotta wash my crap and pack it (ha ha).
In other news, my day sucked a big fat dick. I got so pissed off @ my platoon during Sgt.'s time I yelled @ them.
Seriously, were playing safety Jeopardy and a fire works safety question comes up. We're asked what we should have to put of fire works and disposes of dud's. There are 3 banks on the board and everyone is screaming out fire extinguisher. THAT'S TWO FUCKING WORDS! So as there screaming out asinine answers to the game, I stand up and scream "it's "bucket of fucking stupid can you people be?" so of course someone challenges me and says "how do you figure?"
About this time I realize I'm no longer in the ARMY and teaching 1st grade. So I resort to 1st grade tactics.
"3 blanks jack ass, 3 blanks, 3 words....just like every other fill in the blank question in the game....that's how I figure you stupid fat fuck".
About this time everyone starts laughing because they realize I'm right and that he's wrong. But failing to realize that not even 2 minutes ago they all thought it was the same thing.
The vain sit and point out how there smarter or better than everyone else, vanity kind of bugs me. But for the 1st time...I felt smarter than an entire platoon of the ARMY's brightest and didn't feel a bit bad about it.
::note:: the pixies rule all!