Jul 05, 2010 00:15
[There's a smile in Souji's voice - and it's his usual voice, not that of a tauren - a bigger one than usual. The camera, however, is not on him, but on a table in Demeleier's inn, where there's no small amount of food. Most of it, however, though prepared, is uncooked. Vegetables lie sliced in surprisingly delicate shapes and arrangements. Meat has been carved thinly and is stacked, spiralling over a plate.]
I know it's not really the season for shabu shabu -
[The camera moves closer. A little brazier has been set up, over which a pot of dark broth is just about coming to a low simmer.]
- but that didn't stop us last time, right? Some of the ingredients aren't what I'm used to, but I tested them all beforehand.
[He chuckles, and the camera pans up to his face. The amulet, evidently, has been shed for the time being.]
So what do you think, partner? Valeria even brought cake. [The camera moves again, to flick over what appears to be something composed predominantly of strawberries and cream.]
There's enough for anyone who wants to come. Happy birthday, Yosuke.
((This is his way of saying it's (or was) Yosuke's birthday, and y'all are invited to eat stew :D))
the magician,
such a nice young lad,
looking out for everyone else