So a few domain names have come to my attentions, which are really amusing to me. All of them have double meanings some, very unintentional and then others just a retarded choice for the intended web address.
This is a publicist website to see who is the agent that represents various celebrities, or it also can help find a nice gift for that lovely corner walker down the street.
At first look at the domain name it seems that this is a sick fetish website that is real disturbing, but in fact it is the Mole Station Native Nursery's headquarters in Australia, sadly it has nothing to do with actual moles.
Now when i found out that this website was actually the experts exchange, a website for nerds to talk about computer programming I was greatly disappointed. I was dire need of expert sex change information, and had to take my business elsewhere. I was elated when i found the information at and then finally in 2001 was able to successfully under-go gender reassignment surgery. I am just thrilled with the results of my new penis.
This actually goes back to when I had already decided to get a sex change, and I was trying to decide what type of penis I wanted to purchase. I did some searching around and decided to check out 'Penis Land' for the entirety my penis shopping needs. As it turns out all they have is a bunch of stupid customized pens. Although I found out that there are an abundance of penis shopping websites on the internet as I quickly received an email by magic entitled 'JEREMEY-- free penis care package!!**' They got my name wrong but they magically sensed my current needs somehow! I salute the warm loving corporation that sends out these excellent informative emails to the curious masses.
Also one time I was looking on the internet for some information on a certain type of birds and amazingly I found an excellent one, you check it out if your interested in the noble tit family containing none other than the infamous Blue Tit, Bearded Tit, Willow Tit, and respectively the Great Tit.