Oct 17, 2008 18:56
Today I had my standard one-shift-a-week shift at work, and really really intended to do schoolwork while I was there... you'd think it would be easy because I have absolutely nothing to do, but instead I spent the entire 8 hours on Yahoo Answers. Whoops.
We've got a couple of assignments due on the 28th for Glaze Chemistry, and I'm finding it really hard to actually *do* them. We're creating our own clay body for a purpose of our choosing (eg. a white high-fire throwing body, or a red low-fire sculpture body) and it just seems so impossible. I mean, it's simple, and it's definitely not going to be actually hard at all, but I just can't *start*.
My parents' cat got hit by a car on Thanksgiving AND their other cat disappeared that weekend. It was the very worst thing ever, but he came back today!! A full week after he left!! He was starvingly hungry, so he obviously wasn't taken in by someone who thought he was lost.. where could he have been? Crazy.
Meanwhile, has anyone seen that new Britney video Womanizer? I was LOVING it, but .. what's with all the naked shots? They don't fit the rest of it at all, and if anything, detract from it both visually and conceptually. For heaven's sake! She was *so close*!
Finally, I'm making fake chicken and spinach for dinner. And I have to go flip it. So this concludes episode one in 'start writing this all the time like we did when we were young'