Feb 07, 2007 18:39
I don't care what anyone says; I can't get enough of the new Gwen Stefani song.. that Sweet Escape thing. Something about it got inside of me and now I'm pretty sure I could listen to it for several days in a row without getting sick of it.
In other music news, I had a gift certificate to use up, so I went to HMV today. The Gwen cd was only $12, so I picked that up (haven't listened to it yet, so we'll see if the other songs are goodly weird or pointlessly weird) but I also got the latest by Lily Allen and one by Imogen Heap.
I really like going and looking at all the cds, and picking one out at a medium random level.. I'll try to guess if I'll like it based on the name of the artist and sometimes by the font that the songs are listed in, and take a risk. It worked out really well for me the last time I tried it. I wound up with a cd of remixes and collaborations by Feist - it was amazing. There was one track that was a simple but incredible piano solo... the whole thing was just fantastic. I can't express how much I like Feist, and it was all by accident.
Luckily, this time I found another great artist. Imogen Heap sounds a little like Frou Frou, and definitely like she belongs on the soundtrack of Garden State, or a similar movie. I've only listened to it once so far, but it is definitely going to be added to the regular rotation. Plus, every song on it is great. Usually, there are a few tracks on a disc that always end up being skipped or left out on the iPod, but this one is allllll good.
And Lily Allen. She was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live last week. I'd seen her video once on MuchMusic and remembered having liked it, and her performance definitely made me want to go out and get the cd. She has such a pretty voice and doesn't do the belting thing that's so popular these days. Her style is very refreshing and just generally delightful. I'd been trying to think of a way to describe it, and so far the best I have is that she's like a white and british Macy Gray - not in the weird voice, but similar melodies and instrumentation. When she played on SNL, she had a regular band as well as about 4 or 5 guys on inobtrusive horns. It was so perfect..... anyway, I'm in love with her.
Also, Major Teacup came in the mail today. He's my new best shirt.