Apr 24, 2006 19:57
If you've tried to get a hold of me by any means over the last week, I haven't been ignoring you, I just had my face broken into eight pieces last Tuesday.
Yes, I had comprehensive maxillofacial surgery on Tuesday, April 18th, which was essentially, upper and lower jaw surgery + a minor chinoplasty. All this was to correct my bite--only four of my molars touched in back--which was bad to say the least.
So, needless to say, this has rendered me swollen, bruised, pained and fairly imobile for the last week--all symptoms that are fairly common when you get your face ripped off and skull broken apart. Everything went great during the surgery and the doctor achieved the desired results. Recovery is slow but I'm on the upswing. I have in mind to go back to school next Tuesday. Oh yeah, I'm on a liquid diet for ten days-not so fun. After that, it's up to softer foods and all others as I can. I want a hamburger SO bad!
I'd gladly welcome anyone who stops by my apartment during the next week to say "hi," make make milkshakes or watch a movie!
I can't wait to be up and about again. Miss you guys.