May 12, 2005 02:16
no, i didnt put a cat in a lawnmower. at least one of you was thinkin it.
lawnmower: somebody upstairs likes me. i ran over a stump accidentally yesterday and instantly the mower goes BANG and jumps about half a foot in the air. i flipped it over and the blade was bent at about a 45 degree angle and cracked, and furthermore when i took it off i found out that the plate that holds the whole assembly to the motor was sheared partway off. an entire chunk was missing from one corner.
the lawnmower engine rotates at 1200rpm... that 5oz chunk of steel that sheared off was spinning around 1200 times every minute.. as was the cracked, bent-to-hell blade.
and yet i still have both my feet :) somebody upstairs likes me.
cat: saved a cat today. total cliche cat stuck in tree and can't figure out how to get down thing. poor cat had been up in the tree for something like five hours according to my neighbors, and i climbed up and it was just clinging to the branch, completely unable to figure out how to climb down. it was stray (no collar) but very friendly, or just desperate for someone to help it i guess, as soon as it saw me it nuzzled against my hand and let me pick it up. it didn't much fancy being held by one hand tho and would claw the hell out of anything it could, including me :( plus it would only grab onto branches it could see - which happened to be higher than the one i picked it up from.
then it shat on me :(
seriously, i felt something bounce off my wrist and then i thought "why does it smell like shit", and realized, oh fuck, that cat is shitting on me.
so i threw it out of the tree.
no, really. chucked it right from the top, pretty much. it was about the only way the poor thing was gonna get down tho. landed fine and bolted... definitely wasn't happy about getting hurled off a tree, but at least he was on the ground ;)