After the Reveal...

Jul 31, 2014 20:08

Another sshg_promptfest has been wrapped up, and it’s time to send many thanks to all those that contributed to make it another great fest.

It’s the third time that it is made possible by the wonderful iulia_linnea, and it seems to have established its place, a really beloved place, in the Hall of Fame of our fandom. Thank you, iulia, and many happy returns!

I want to send, here too, a most grateful thought to pearle9240, whose icons have made the joy of all us participants. I love dearly the ones that she made for the story that, I can tell now, I wrote:

The Wind Is Blowing


Thank you, pearle9240!

I had a very nice time when I wrote it, especially because the original story was very inspiring and it was a good challenge to make it fitting with the HP universe.

As ever the thirty days of the fest were a great time - well, it wasn’t a really a great time here, what with an unbelievable rainy weather that turned the Italian Summer into Fall and also with some annoying little problems of health for me, so even more it was lovely to wait each day for the new entry, and to read them.

I particularly loved

The Rose of Carterhaugh by palathene
A Tangled Tale by dragoon811
The Things That We Could Be by carley9
The Luck of the Draw by shiv5468
Truth or Consequences, by msavi
The Crafty Case of the Corpses that Weren't Corpses by iqeret
Infinite Design: Truth and Mendacity by mundungus42
The Heart the Adder Gave Him by delphipsmith

but also the stories that didn’t met my preferences are testament to a creativity that, on this corner of fandom, is still alive and kicking. For this, and for everyone that made a contribute to this, I’m amazed and happy.

Of the prompt that I sent two were answered.
A very weird thing is that for each of them I had thought to something completely different from what they turned out: I had taken inspiration, for what became a comedy, from an Italian movie that ended tragically, whereas the prompt about Hermione Headmistress and Snape Inspector for the Board of Governors seemed open to a light tale, when I thought to it.

Well, who has read those stories knows that it turned out the contrary, of course the Muses go where they want to go and no one can object on that :)

I have had great fun with Truth or Consequences, by msavi and loved its creativity.

I’ve admired the ideas and the magic of Burn Down The Mission by teddyradiator

For all of the dedication and care and time that msavi and teddyradiator put into these stories I thank them dearly.

I thought a lot before doing it, but then had to tell my opinion on a side of Teddy’s story, I sent it in my comment and she gave her reasons for her choices; my problem wasn’t the unhappy ending but Severus’s actions, and I simply couldn’t be insincere on that. But this doesn’t detract from the great skill that was shown in the writing of this story and I really hope that everything’s all right, Teddy :)

Last but not least I send my most grateful thanks to my two betas, Lady Memory and Whitehound, as ever without their help I couldn't express what I feel in a story as I was able to do also this time.


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