A Series of Old Drabbles- Part 1: Inner Thoughts

Sep 16, 2009 01:56

Just over two years ago, I used to hang around the Mugglenet Fanfiction forums under the username/penname, Lily_writes. And for a while, I fell into a fanfic writing rut and started writing drabbles for some of the challenges that popped up there. As part of a nostalgia kick I got on, I've decided to move them here to share. In this post are all the drabbles I wrote for the Inner Thoughts Challenge, five drabbles in all and none go over 500 words as per the challenge word count rules.


Title: Is There a Problem, Professor Dumbledore?
Word Count: 219
Warnings?: Nope

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

James Potter and Lily Evans were both standing in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk.

Does he know what we were doing? Lily thought anxiously. I know it was inappropriate, but it was too much fun! I mean, it sounded like a good idea at the time.

I knew I shouldn't have persuaded Lily to do this, James thought, looking over at his nervous girlfriend. I mean, it's not something most teachers punish you for. We were only having some innocent fun, is all. I just wish we looked a little more presentable.

Oh no! I just remembered that some of the other kids said he could read minds! Oh man, we could be in so much trouble! Lily thought, panicking slightly now. What we did was far from dignified, and something I would never have thought I would do anywhere, let alone by the lake while it's raining out.

Oh, great, I just remembered that Dumbledore is one of those Leg...legi...mind readers, James thought. All I have to do is not think about Filch hauling us up here because we were having a mud ball fight in the rain. Oh no....

Dumbledore surveyed the Head Boy and Girl, who were dripping mud onto the floor.

"I see."


Title: To Tell Or Not To Tell
Word Count: 193
Warnings?: Half-Blood Prince spoiler

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

After all these years, I'm still not sure if I should. What would happen if he found out? Would he be able to?

Slughorn looked about the office, avoiding Dumbledore's gaze.

If I did, what good would it do? I knew Horcruxes were a banned subject, and they still are, but what would've happened if I had told Armando what I had told him? Would I have been fired? Would I be fired now? This is fine pickle I got myself into. I made one mistake over fifty years ago and it has been haunting me ever since. My dear friend and colleague, I wish I could tell you, but I can't, I just can't. I know you sent Harry to try a week ago, but I'm not telling him either. I won't let you see more than I gave you when you tricked me into it with Veritaserum. I'm sorry, Albus, but I don't. I'm not ready.

Slughorn bowed his head and slowly shook it. Dumbledore, who had worn a serene smile when Slughorn had walked in, now looked solemn, almost grave.

"I see"


Title: He Deserved It, Right?
Word Count: 351
Warnings?: None, unless you have an issue with people pranking Snape...

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

All four Marauders were sitting in front of Dumbledore's desk, looking down at their feet and studying them as if they had suddenly found them rather interesting.

If only Dumbledore could understand, James thought. I was only helping Peter get back at Sniv- I mean Snape. He really deserved it too. At least, I thought covering all his robes in large neon orange spots reading "I love Professor Slughorn" was a fair exchange for him splashing Peter's potion in his face. Poor Petey was in the hospital wing for a week with blue and green acne. I know I'm Head Boy now, and should be more responsible. Just please, don't tell Lily, she'll kill me!

Come on Dumbledore, don't blame James for adding the hens that were magically glued on, that was completely my idea, thought Sirius. I only threw it on as a finishing touch. It's not my fault they all lay eggs every minute, it's not like I charmed them to do that. Oh, wait, yes I did. But you have to admit it was really funny.

Professor Dumbledore, I wish you could understand, thought Remus. We Marauders are like the Three Musketeers, except there are four of us. Don't punish them for the cloud that followed him for an hour raining grease on him, that was me. Let's face it, I'm not prefect material. I can't stop my friends from pranking people, let alone myself. I wish you could forgive us.

Please Professor, don't give us detention, they were only sticking up for me, Peter thought. They only wanted to help me get revenge on Snape for what he did to me last week. Anyway, I'm the one who persuaded Peeves to follow him and scream out "here comes the king of snot" everytime he left a room.

Dumbledore looked over the four seventh-years, three of whom looked a little nervous and kept shooting him quick glances, the fourth one looking a bit calmer than the rest, as if he had done this hundreds of times.

"I see."


Title: What's Wrong With Harry?
Word Count: 264
Warnings?: None

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

I'm worried about Harry, Professor Dumbledore. He's distanced himself from Ron and me, ever since we got back from the Ministry. He didn't stay long in the Hospital Wing when he visited us, and said he was going to visit Hagrid. As he left, he just seemed to be half in our world, and the other half, preoccupied in his thoughts.

He avoids the Great Hall, even then he doesn't eat, Ron says that he's heard Harry muttering in his sleep telling Lupin to let him go, and he just sits under the beech tree by the lake, alone, for hours, until it gets dark.

Do you know what's wrong with him? We know he was sent to your office after You-Know...I mean V-vol-voldemort fled from the Ministry. I knew Harry was going to be upset when we found out Sirius had died, we all were, but we didn't expect him to be a recluse.

Could it have something to do with that prophecy thing? Neville told us it smashed, but I have a feeling that someone else knows it.

I know that look, I can see what you're trying to say now. "Wait until Harry wants to tell you." I think I understand now, Ron and I should wait until he's ready to talk to us about it. Even though no words have passed between us, everything is clear to me now. Thank you, sir.

Dumbledore looked at Hermione, and nodded his head slightly as he smiled at her.

"I see"


Title: The Rant of a Free Prisoner
Word Count: 469
Warnings?: None, really.

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

You know bloody well there's something I'd like to tell you. I don't like being locked up in the house I ran away from at sixteen, I despise being told I'm not doing anything useful by Sniv- Snape, I haven't heard from Harry for months now, and I'm bloody lonely. I miss gettting letters from my godson. I feel guilty because I half-wished he would be expelled over the dementor incident. I even wish that that wretched old toad would throw him out sometimes, I'm getting so bored.

I haven't been outside for nine months now, did you know that? I'm desparate to get out. I wouldn't mind if I was disguised as a dog on a leash, being led by someone just to take out the trash. That's how much I want fresh air. I would like to have a fresh breeze flow through the window, but even that can't be. "What if someone looks up and sees you standing by the window?" That's what Molly says every time I beg her to crack it open an inch. I'd be better off in Azkaban, at least there was a breeze, and company all the time. I see you look surprised. Don't be. I find it rather ironic that I escaped one prison only to be holed up in another.

Anything that would've made my life enjoyable has been taken from me. Harry can't write anymore, Remus doesn't stay long, nor anyone else from the Order, all I have here is Kreacher and Buckbeak, and even then that accursed house-elf isn't here all the time. I still don't know where he disappears off to half the time.

You don't even know how I feel right now. The only way you could truly appreciate my situation is if you locked yourself in your dead mother's house for nine months, have people pop in and out once in awhile but can't talk to them because, they're too busy to "stay for a chat", and while you're at it, make absolutely sure that there's someone who can rub it in your face that you aren't doing anything useful as they brag about top secret assignments they were given.

I don't even know if Harry cares about me anymore. I gave him James' mirror before he left to go back to school. Either he forgot about it or he's not using it because he doesn't care about me anymore.

I think I hear Remus calling me. Snivellus wants a word with the Order members here. Oh, don't give me that look. If you were trapped here for as long as I have, you'd be just as cantankerous. Do me a favor and stay here. I still have a few bones to pick with you. I need to go see what Snivelling Snape wants with me. I hope Harry's okay, even if he doesn't care about me anymore.

"I see."

older pieces, fanfiction, mnff stuff, drabble, harry potter

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