A "new" challenger-- er... fandom approaches

Aug 09, 2009 00:34

Lately I've been showing off all my colored manga on plurk, but not here. I seem to be on a bit of a Pokemon Special binge, with a favoritism toward the Gold/Silver/Crystal arc, especially if it involves Suicune. On a few I got lazy and didn't color the background, but I'm kinda glad with how they came out. I'll probably end up iconning these at some point, so keep an eye on tophiecons for those! So without further ado....


Crystal takes Chikorita with her

Crystal, Suicune, Raikou, and Entei heading for Ilex Forest

Lugia and Ho-oh


Suicune heads for Goldenrod City

Suicune leaves the vicinity of the Tin Tower

pokemon special, colored manga

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