(no subject)

Oct 27, 2004 15:12

heeelllooo...im so bored and thoughts are running through my head like crazy such as becoming friends with erin again! another thing ismy homework and my school grades they suck...well this weekends hopefully gonna be insane cause friday im probably gonna hang with the homies! then on saturday Than on sunday its Holla-ween (lol) and im gonna trick or tim goin to joey sharkys partyyy!!! its gonna be amazing!!!reating wiht judie and erin and erin said something about amanda rucco and kevin hoey coming and i think its mest up that judie did even ask me if i was alright with it...! I was really pissed to find out that erin knew before me...and another thing was judie called me from erins house its not that im jelous but its gay first she says she hates erin and hates going ot her house and now shes hanging out with her and calling me from her house...i can picture judie doing that...thats what scared me the most.but anway school goin alright period through period...
1st period-i had studio art and i didnt have a pencil gain so i just sat there it was ok i got to talk to my friends about alot of stuff (amander!!!)
2nd period-i had spanish which are really dumn because alisha usually in my class but she had in-school today so i wasa just sitting there while we were supposed to be doing work in the book cause he had a substitute (mrs.adelman)and i didnt have my textbook so i wrote a letter to alisha its confidential hwta was in it but it was a frony and a back to one page and then a front and like 6 lines ot the back...i know im a loser!!!
3rd period- we had a sub and had to look up words in the dictioanry and me and amanda cote decided to go outsid and then i saw ashler cutting but then she went back to classand then we saT THERE EXCHANGING LIVEJOURNAL NAMES AND SNS LOL oh thats not suppsosed to be in capitals oh and i had english by the way!
4th period- i had erath science so we went over our aim packets and i had a double period of earth science and the other period(5th period) i colored in my reference tables i dont know why it hasd to be colored but okay!
5th period-double period of earth science
6th period- i have math 6th and we just went over homework and she wont be here tommrow! kinda yeh!
7th period- 7th period i have crazy mr.rappelfeld lol he really is we were supposed to watch a movie but it forze 6th so he made a powerpoint with the new protector thingy that hungs from the ceiling!and we toke notes and i asked him this question: wel ya know how you showed us the pictures of peoples house mad out of like clothing and fences and stuff why dont they make supermarkets so they can get money and buy a hous lol and he said because all the other people had jobs
8th period-~~~food~~~(free)
9th period- i ahd english worshop and i read my book you dont know mw lol and tia was being a bitch to tth eteacher cause we had a sub and when i got off the buss i saw my sub a ginos lol
well that was my day...

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