Feb 01, 2007 09:14
man, i had a really intense dream last night, and try as i might i just cant seem to figure out the details of it. It basically had to do with the cyclical nature of time (seems to be a common theme running through my mind of late), and included many mysteriously zen-like "CelestineProphecy"esque elements. Okay, here's what i remember of the dream, in a nutshell:
In the beginning it's nighttime and myself and my mom's boyfriend are driving to my mother's house. We both experience a weird moment in which it feels like we are driving through some invisible wave, and i remember in the dream as an outsider I could see that the wave looked composed of both water and fire. Then Mark (as i am assuming my mom's boyfriend was Mark in the dream) and I proceeded to talk about fate and free will and how I sometimes get the feeling that something really significant is going to happen when I am 22 years old (because for some reason when asked my age my first instinct is to say 22) and then we talk about my mom and such. When we get to my mother's house, I immediately feel an unexplainable wealth of sadness when I lay eyes on her. I shake it off, and that's where things get fuzzy. I remember that the rest of the dream was the next few years of my life leading up to 22 in which other strange things happen, and portential signs, you know, the usual. The next thing I remember is kind of ridiculous, but bear with me. This is a dream afterall, and some absurd elements are inevitable. The meaning is still there and still very significant, i feel. Anyway, the next thing I remember is that I am now 22 and Mark and I are driving in the car again, only this time we are in a race against time. I think we are trying to get to my mom to save her from something, but we are being chased and shot at by an army of tiny warriors (very Helmacron-esque). In an attempt to lose our pursuers, Mark and I go off road and end up crashing into a lake. As we hit the water, the attackers shoot us and the car goes up in flames, and suddenly - we are back on the road at night several years earlier driving to my mom's house, and both of us are remarking about the weird wave we just felt. As the dreamer and observer I remember being very distressed at this time, but the participatory Chris had no knowledge of what had just happened. The inevitability of what i had just seen dismayed me, but as the dream continued I noticed small details had changed since the first go round. Just little things to give me hope that our destiny was not set down in stone.
I remember that when I woke up there were tremors just coursing through my body. It was very intense. Ugh, my eyes really hurt.
On a lighter note, last night, Bobby Westmoreland totally made my day. He posted a bulletin on myspace, and I replied to it with a brief message. After studying, I checked and he had sent me two messages. The first simply stating "I want to ask you a weird question" the second message was entitled "a weird question." I was kind of nervous, and thought it was going to be something awkward and personal (as we have much catching up to do, and there are many things that have happened in my life since we stopped talking that could be considered awkward and personal). So I opened up the message and basically it said "How did Animorphs end? I've randomly been thinking about it, and figured you of all people would know. I never got past like 15 or something, and I was just wondering what happened" Seriously, never expected that. It was great. And, yes, of course I knew. I felt kind of ridiculous explaining it, though. haha.
Now I must get ready for school. Wish me luck on my first test of the semester. Its basically just a review of what we learned in ASL last semester, but Im still kind of nervous.