You have somehow reached the personal blog of Christoph Blecker. This journal is Friends Only, so if I don't know you, you likely won't get added. However, feel free to leave a comment here.
I'm a Network Engineer working in beautiful downtown Vancouver. You can find a list of my professional designations on my professional blog,
I'm also a former Support Administrator for I used to administer the Mobile Features category, where LiveJournal users come to report issues or ask questions about connecting to LiveJournal Services from a mobile device. I do my best to help all LiveJournal users, even ones trying to connect to a Web 2.0 site with a phone that looks straight out of the 1980s. It was a good gig, while I did it and I still love this site deeply. However, I am not able to provide support via my journal.. If you need assistance with the, please visit
LiveJournal Support.