The Worst Idea in the World I've Heard Today

Feb 13, 2008 09:28

New York magazine: Brenda Hampton [Yes, the 7th Heaven Brenda Hampton] is reportedly shopping a series about a girl who becomes "pregnant after having one uncomfortable sexual encounter with the school's Don Juan, Ricky" and "tries to figure out a way to deal with her dilemma" while "being wooed by the sweet and possibly smitten Ben."

  1. Brenda Hampton is attempting to get back on TV, just as America has managed to push 7th Heaven out the door with nothing but a bus ticket to Yellowknife.
  2. As everyone has already observed, she's shopping a clear Juno ripoff, which has to be pretty embarrassing for her and Diablo Cody. One can only imagine the light touch 7th Heaven brought to social issues applied here.

I found this item after following latropita's link to this other post detailing expectations for what shows will be returning now that the strike is over. Personal highlights: The Office and 30 Rock will be back for 5-10 episodes each, which is a pretty wide range, but whatever. CBS wants 8 more episodes of HIMYM, and the CW will take 5-6 more of Reaper. On the downside, Pushing Daisies sounds like a candidate not to return until next season, but I can live with that now that they have a second season pickup.
In other news, I really want to get outside today. I drove to work today under blue skies and sunshine, which just about never happens in the winter. I love cold, clear winter days like this.

30 rock, television, the worst idea in the world i've heard t

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