Title: Remaining History Author: tophatdance Pairing: Posner/Scripps Rating: G Summary: Just a rainy Saturday in Durham, and a phone call between Scripps and Posner.
First, you absolutely HAVE to watch the History Boys. It's one of my favorite movies of all times. Yes it is that epic. It blends history, British culture, teacher/student relationships, the value and limitations of education, the pursuit of knowledge, wit, poetry (Auden!), and fantastic acting. ALL IN ONE MOVIE.
Secondly. Hahahahahaahaha :D You are hilarious, my dear, and this post absolutely brightened my day!
Well, I'm actually supposed to be working on a fest fic right now, but this jumped into my brain. Whoops *sheepish giggle*
Moreover, what has happened to our dear Danny/Flack fandom? It's quite sad, actually, when you compare how active the HP fandom is (and really, it's absolutely mindboggling. If you sat down for a year and read just H/D fic nonstop, you -still- wouldn't get through all of it. And that's just the good fic!!) to the D/F fandom. Grumbles. Maybe I'll start posting Danny/Flack again, although I haven't been bothered to keep up with the recent seasons. Bah. Although, I have been re-watching Seasons 5 and 6 of CSI: Vegas...so...who knows...NIck/Greg in the future? Maybe? Mmhmmmm ;)
*facepalm* oh capslock, i am sorry for abusing you so!
But I shall add it to my things I-should-know-about pile. I know the stage play version was also critically acclaimed, so me not knowing about it, is truly terrible.
You're writing a fest fic! *happy dance* Hurrah!
I know, I know. The state of the danny/flack fandom makes me so sad. I've always shied away from writing it, because I haven't seen the show in so long, and gave up watching after the whole Mootana debacle, but really, seasons 1-3 have such D/F potential. I think I will rewatch and try and write some. I have two H/D stories to finish up, but then a change might be nice! The other thing I like about H/D is that it's all so shiny - the fic archives etc are really easy to navigate, and that's just not the case in D/F at all.
Er, I've just had a potentially terrible idea.....
We could try and do something to get D/F on eljay a bit shinier and stories easier to find.... Have you seen thejupiterboy? It's a rec list that uses the lj tagging system to categorise fics. Wouldn't a D/F one of those be awesome?
*sits on hands*
It's a terrible idea, and I know you are mega busy, but what do you think? As a concept, what do you think? I would like to take it on, I think....
First, you absolutely HAVE to watch the History Boys. It's one of my favorite movies of all times. Yes it is that epic. It blends history, British culture, teacher/student relationships, the value and limitations of education, the pursuit of knowledge, wit, poetry (Auden!), and fantastic acting. ALL IN ONE MOVIE.
Secondly. Hahahahahaahaha :D You are hilarious, my dear, and this post absolutely brightened my day!
Well, I'm actually supposed to be working on a fest fic right now, but this jumped into my brain. Whoops *sheepish giggle*
Moreover, what has happened to our dear Danny/Flack fandom? It's quite sad, actually, when you compare how active the HP fandom is (and really, it's absolutely mindboggling. If you sat down for a year and read just H/D fic nonstop, you -still- wouldn't get through all of it. And that's just the good fic!!) to the D/F fandom. Grumbles. Maybe I'll start posting Danny/Flack again, although I haven't been bothered to keep up with the recent seasons. Bah. Although, I have been re-watching Seasons 5 and 6 of CSI: Vegas...so...who knows...NIck/Greg in the future? Maybe? Mmhmmmm ;)
But I shall add it to my things I-should-know-about pile. I know the stage play version was also critically acclaimed, so me not knowing about it, is truly terrible.
You're writing a fest fic! *happy dance* Hurrah!
I know, I know. The state of the danny/flack fandom makes me so sad. I've always shied away from writing it, because I haven't seen the show in so long, and gave up watching after the whole Mootana debacle, but really, seasons 1-3 have such D/F potential. I think I will rewatch and try and write some. I have two H/D stories to finish up, but then a change might be nice! The other thing I like about H/D is that it's all so shiny - the fic archives etc are really easy to navigate, and that's just not the case in D/F at all.
Er, I've just had a potentially terrible idea.....
We could try and do something to get D/F on eljay a bit shinier and stories easier to find.... Have you seen thejupiterboy? It's a rec list that uses the lj tagging system to categorise fics. Wouldn't a D/F one of those be awesome?
*sits on hands*
It's a terrible idea, and I know you are mega busy, but what do you think? As a concept, what do you think? I would like to take it on, I think....
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