"In another answer Tuesday, al-Zawahiri said it was against Islamic religious law for any Muslim to live permanently in a Western country, because in doing so, they would "have permanent stay there under the laws of the infidels.""
Really? So every Muslim that lives in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and all of South America (yes, the U.S. is NOT the ONLY western country, but everyone seems to forget about those when talking about the big, bad, evil, "west.") is not a, "true," Muslim? Wow, that is offensive to a lot of people right there. I think this was a recently invented law because somehow I can't see Mohammad saying, "Any Muslim who lives in a western country is an infidel." In fact, this law was probably made up in the last couple weeks. I don't see Christianity or Judaism saying, "it is against Christian/Jewish law to live in Iran."
From the, "west," to al-Zawahiri: BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!