People did like the actual drawings, there was no question about that. The question came in where is it really sending the message I want to send, or is it inadvertently saying something different? The people I want to reach are Muslims. They are really the only people with the power to stop this. Whenever the West speaks out against Muslims, the muslims we speak out against are considered Martyrs because its never MUSLIMS speaking out against muslims.
The judge in the poster of the girl being beaten threw out all human rights activist groups because no one protesting the case was a Muslim. If all the Muslims in the world just rose up against the extremists, this would all be solved. There are 1 billion Muslims in the world, and yet they are silent whenever crazy shit happens. The issue is that everyone ELSE is rising up against them thus giving them Martyr status.
So, I have to use their own language to communicate which mans no human pictures. Yes, the posters I did are an easy way to reach the non-Islamic west, because they are violent, dark, and speak something we all feel even if NO ONE will talk about it. However, for reaching Muslims who don't believe in human renderings (even though I HIGHLY disagree with that) the best way to reach them is to not use human renderings...supposedly.
This project is on the edge of being anti-Islam, and could very easily go that way because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to back me up on that, however, that is not my intended direction. The only thing that keeps it not anti-Islam is the text, currently and the text disagrees with the image.
Its a really tricky subject matter. I really don't like this class because it goes against what I have been trying to do for the past 2 years which is fit into society without constantly pissing everyone around me off every time I express a viewpoint.
I'll be happy when this is over, but the issue I now face is once you do something, its done and people will always judge you by what you show them first even if that is not the message you intended. I knew going into this class that this is an easy way for me to lose a lot of friends, or piss a bunch of people off, which is why I didn't want to do this project. I've already done that, and it never ends well for me. People say the, "forgive and forget," but they really don't. I still catch flack for the things I said 2 years ago, and I still have to explain it away, and I'm not really looking for another incident like that.
Even though the facts are on my side on this one, just like the last time, the way I portray it turns people away, and gets me a bad reputation. I don't want something I was forced to do for a class following me around for the next 2 years. Because of the subject matter, stuff like this can cost me a job if its not portrayed in the correct manner because I will be written off as a bigot.
This class is, to me, like someone handing me a gun and telling me to shoot myself in the foot.
you dont have to explain away shit you said a year ago to anyone, all you have to do is look at them like they're a retard and shake your head. You let yourself switch to defensive mode too easily and I think that may be why your art gets darker and darker, as the release of aggressive and highly confident behavior pent up inside you doesn't fully release itself via your personality.
There were times even I gave you shit now and then and openly said you should stand up for yourself more. Someday you're gonna shove me back.
And second of all: Whoever said they don't paint people is a slack-jawed retard and needs a god damn helmet. Be stalwart with these hippie art kids dude. I'm serious, your next post needs to say "I did it anyway, i told friends if they tossed our friendship out over this they were intolerant closed minded hicks, and I stuck my ground. Tell them you'll leave the easy walk in the park subject matter to them. You're challenging yourself. Cigarettes are like totally bad for you man.
Here's my last idea to contribute for thought for a poster if you do do a new one:
A row of ostridges with their heads in the ground, and one ostridge with detonaters and the classic "Im blowing myself up for allah" pose. That ostridge can wear the robes of islamic extremism and the rest of the ostridges with their heads underground can have various titles too such as "moderate muslims, pussy art kids, western ignorance, etc"
And one of the ostridges with its head in the ground should have a talk bubble that says "we'll be safe down here!"
I definitely think you're right about the, "pent up emotions," coming out in my work. If you saw that illustration I did for printing class...yeah. If not: This looks like nothing I've done...ever in my entire history of drawing, and it came out of no where.
I think that ostridge idea sounds good, and quite funny. I think I'll draw that!
My campaign is going to have Ostridges on every poster! No body hates ostridges! I can use animals to symbolize Christians and Muslims! I'm currently sketching out your idea, and I've come up with another one. A giant elephant that goes off the page sitting on 2 ostridges with just their necks sticking out. One is wearing a cross, and the other is wearing a turban. The one with the turban says, "I think its time we had a talk!" Perhaps I can tell them to talk with people of other faith about the negative things in their faith! They can't possibly hate ostridges!
NO one hates ostridges:)
You are a GENIUS!!!!!! Its so simple. Ostridges. Everywhere!
HAhahah thanks. Now you have to tell your class that your old roommate, who by the way is a successful animator in LA, sparked it all. Hell, i just had another one. A row of ostridges looking at eachother rather unhappily, standoffish. one has a yamaka(funny jewish hat), another the turban, another the popes hat, another a fez cap, whatever, and the jewish ostridge says "Well... we all wear funny hats!!!" with a really dorky happy face. Then you can put a caption at the bottom "Finding common ground".
Ooo! That sounds really good! Yeah! I am cranking these drawings out really fast. I'm almost done with poster #1. If I can crank out 5 by tonight, I'll be happy!
I slept after class. I came home after class (about 4:30/5), got something to eat, and got about 5-6 hours sleep, got up at 11, and started work! I never feel like doing anything on M/W because my classes are back to back and they're both studio classes, so I'm burnt by the time I get home.
People did like the actual drawings, there was no question about that. The question came in where is it really sending the message I want to send, or is it inadvertently saying something different? The people I want to reach are Muslims. They are really the only people with the power to stop this. Whenever the West speaks out against Muslims, the muslims we speak out against are considered Martyrs because its never MUSLIMS speaking out against muslims.
The judge in the poster of the girl being beaten threw out all human rights activist groups because no one protesting the case was a Muslim. If all the Muslims in the world just rose up against the extremists, this would all be solved. There are 1 billion Muslims in the world, and yet they are silent whenever crazy shit happens. The issue is that everyone ELSE is rising up against them thus giving them Martyr status.
So, I have to use their own language to communicate which mans no human pictures. Yes, the posters I did are an easy way to reach the non-Islamic west, because they are violent, dark, and speak something we all feel even if NO ONE will talk about it. However, for reaching Muslims who don't believe in human renderings (even though I HIGHLY disagree with that) the best way to reach them is to not use human renderings...supposedly.
This project is on the edge of being anti-Islam, and could very easily go that way because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to back me up on that, however, that is not my intended direction. The only thing that keeps it not anti-Islam is the text, currently and the text disagrees with the image.
Its a really tricky subject matter. I really don't like this class because it goes against what I have been trying to do for the past 2 years which is fit into society without constantly pissing everyone around me off every time I express a viewpoint.
I'll be happy when this is over, but the issue I now face is once you do something, its done and people will always judge you by what you show them first even if that is not the message you intended. I knew going into this class that this is an easy way for me to lose a lot of friends, or piss a bunch of people off, which is why I didn't want to do this project. I've already done that, and it never ends well for me. People say the, "forgive and forget," but they really don't. I still catch flack for the things I said 2 years ago, and I still have to explain it away, and I'm not really looking for another incident like that.
Even though the facts are on my side on this one, just like the last time, the way I portray it turns people away, and gets me a bad reputation. I don't want something I was forced to do for a class following me around for the next 2 years. Because of the subject matter, stuff like this can cost me a job if its not portrayed in the correct manner because I will be written off as a bigot.
This class is, to me, like someone handing me a gun and telling me to shoot myself in the foot.
There were times even I gave you shit now and then and openly said you should stand up for yourself more. Someday you're gonna shove me back.
And second of all: Whoever said they don't paint people is a slack-jawed retard and needs a god damn helmet. Be stalwart with these hippie art kids dude. I'm serious, your next post needs to say "I did it anyway, i told friends if they tossed our friendship out over this they were intolerant closed minded hicks, and I stuck my ground. Tell them you'll leave the easy walk in the park subject matter to them. You're challenging yourself. Cigarettes are like totally bad for you man.
Here's my last idea to contribute for thought for a poster if you do do a new one:
A row of ostridges with their heads in the ground, and one ostridge with detonaters and the classic "Im blowing myself up for allah" pose. That ostridge can wear the robes of islamic extremism and the rest of the ostridges with their heads underground can have various titles too such as "moderate muslims, pussy art kids, western ignorance, etc"
And one of the ostridges with its head in the ground should have a talk bubble that says "we'll be safe down here!"
If you dont do it i may have to.
I think that ostridge idea sounds good, and quite funny. I think I'll draw that!
My campaign is going to have Ostridges on every poster! No body hates ostridges! I can use animals to symbolize Christians and Muslims! I'm currently sketching out your idea, and I've come up with another one. A giant elephant that goes off the page sitting on 2 ostridges with just their necks sticking out. One is wearing a cross, and the other is wearing a turban. The one with the turban says, "I think its time we had a talk!" Perhaps I can tell them to talk with people of other faith about the negative things in their faith! They can't possibly hate ostridges!
NO one hates ostridges:)
You are a GENIUS!!!!!! Its so simple. Ostridges. Everywhere!
I totally AM a genius! Its 5am there go to bed.
I slept after class. I came home after class (about 4:30/5), got something to eat, and got about 5-6 hours sleep, got up at 11, and started work! I never feel like doing anything on M/W because my classes are back to back and they're both studio classes, so I'm burnt by the time I get home.
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