Sherlock Holmes fan fiction- The Case of the Scandalous Lord

Jun 28, 2008 15:44

At the moment I am writing a Sherlock Holmes Fan Fic. It's called the Case of the Scandalous Lord.

Here's the first chapter

Chapter One
An old friend

In all my cases that I have written about my friend Sherlock Holmes over the years I have always written it alone never with someone else. This account however is written with the help of a wonderful companion by the name of James Worthington. He had the unfortunate pleasure of being caught up in the matter but had the pleasant opportunity to record his part of this strange affair. Mr Worthington had stressed though that this account could never be published until well after our deaths as the result of Oscar Wilde’s trial.

It has been seven years since the case was first brought to my friend’s attention and since then the parties involved have either gotten married or have left the country. Several times I have heard Sherlock Holmes remark about Mr Worthington’s involvement in the case as he was deeply grateful for his assistance.

It was a bright day on the 22nd of May 1888 that I was invited to lunch by an old friend of mine by the name of Dr Charles Lewis who had studied with me at the University of London or St Barts to be more precise. He was a peculiar fellow with longish brown hair, very tall, sort of large around the middle and had a very British attitude. I would always remember that he liked the company of men and had heard many rumours that would ruin his good reputation. Not like I had any reason to believe them.

He was already sitting at the table when I arrived. He smiled when he saw me and waved me over like he always did with friends. He stood up as I walked over and I could see that he was wearing a grey tweed jacket with black trousers.

“Ah Watson, how are you?” He asked as we shook hands.

“Very fine thank you, I must say that you haven’t changed a bit” I remarked as we sat down opposite each other.

“Why thank you, but you Watson have certainly changed. I can see that you are happier than last I’ve saw you” He smiled and put the serviette over his trousers. “If you don’t mind I invited a friend of mine to join us if that is ok?”

“Of course I don’t mind” I answered. “Is he a partner of yours?”

“No he’s works as a clerk for a lawyer’s firm I understand” He said as he looked at the menu. “So tell me all what has been happening”

So I told him what I had done after my graduation from university. About my years as an army surgeon to when I was shot in Afghanistan, how I had moved to London and my meeting with Sherlock Holmes. He had of course had read my story ‘A Study in Scarlet’ in The Strand. He sat there enthused by my tale with delight.

“Sorry I’m late, had to walk from Waterloo station” A voice said behind me.

“Ah don’t apologise my good man, Dr Watson this is my friend James Worthington” said Lewis.

I turned around to see who it was when I was amazed to see a handsome young man in his late twenties with shortish light brown hair, medium height and wearing a brown jacket and trousers. He wasn’t someone I imagined my old friend to be friends with as I distinctly remember him hanging around with men his own age or older.

“Nice to meet you Dr Watson” the young man said and held out his hand. “I’ve had the pleasure of reading ‘A Study in Scarlet’” He added smiling.

“Ah great to hear, enjoy it?” I asked quite happy to hear that someone had read it.

“I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was of course Dr Lewis here who recommended it” He answered as he sat down.

“Ah don’t flatter yourself. I only recommended it purely for your interest in writing” Lewis smiled and called for a waiter.

I saw young Worthington blush but compose himself as he picked up a menu. He seemed to be a nice man, a very handsome one at that. I didn’t mind if he was an inspiring writer as it was great to hear.

“So why did you have to walk from Waterloo Station?” I asked engaging him conversation.

“One of my boss’ clients has come down from Oxford for what he thought was legal advice” He answered looking up from the menu. “So I wasted a trip as he’s here for something else”

“Really, god Mr Calloway likes to jump to conclusions doesn’t he?” Lewis exclaimed and called for a waiter again.

“Well it’s the second time he’s done it” Worthington explained quite embarrassed. “Dr Watson can I ask you a favour?”

“Well of course, how can I help?” I asked with a helpful tone which seemed to please him.

“Well you see this client wants the help of the detective Sherlock Holmes with a private matter” He answered. “So is it ok if I asked you to ask him to arrange to meet him. If it’s any trouble?”

“Not at all, I’m planning to see him this afternoon” I answered

“Thanks if you could ask him to send a telegram to Cumberland Hotel with the details, it would be much appreciated” He said as the waiter came over.

“Well of course, could I have the client’s name?” I asked

“I’m sorry Lord Thomas Stanford” He answered quite embarrassed again.

I nodded and began to wonder where I had heard that name before. Nothing seemed to come to mind so I picked up the menu and ordered. For the rest of the lunch we engaged in conversation about a range of topics that were of interest to young Worthington. Including novels, music, politics and strangely art. I watched the young man in interest as he seemed to light up in the cheeks as he talked about his passions. Whatever had drawn Dr Lewis and him to be friends was a complete mystery to me but was interesting none the less. As we said goodbye I assured Worthington again that I would speak to Holmes about meeting this client and left the restaurant

At the time however I didn’t know that this wouldn’t be the last I would be seeing of young Worthington and Dr Lewis.

doctor watson, sherlock holmes, fan fiction, australian companion

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