Different but sane (8/?) Torchwood

Feb 01, 2009 15:38


Chapter seven

“Oh I’m not just his boss.” Jack replied flirtatiously which made me let go of his arm very quickly. Thomas raised an eyebrow before looking at me. This time though I felt a strange sensation in my head, sending a shiver down my spine.

“I think Ianto Jones would have something to say about that.” Thomas said, moving his eyes back to Jack and walked a bit closer to the table. I turned back around in my chair, trying not to distract them. There was certainly tension between them but not the sexual kind.

“So you can read minds then?” Jack asked putting a hand on my shoulder, “As I can tell when someone can feel their mind being read, even if they don’t know it.” He added patting my shoulder. I kept my focus on the salad and refused to look up.

“Yes, I have that incredible but horrible gift.” Thomas replied, “Normally people don’t notice when I read it.”

“Oh for some reason James here could.” Jack explained, the tone in his voice speaking the truth. “So are you going to join us then?”

“Of course, though I did say only James.” Thomas replied rather to the point. I looked up at Jack to see him shake his head.

“No, I’m the leader of Torchwood three and as it is our investigation I’m entitled to know all the details.” Jack snapped before walking back around to his seat. “So are you going to join us or not?”

“Sorry but you just have to wait.” Thomas replied before I heard his footsteps going in the direction towards the entrance. I saw Jack get out of his seat.

“Stay here I’m going to go after him.” Jack told me and before I could protest he hurried out of the cafe.

I sat there and tried to finish my salad but I had lost my appetite. What Jack had told Thomas scared me right down to the core. Did I really feel Thomas read my mind or did Jack lie to get his interest? I wasn’t quite sure but pondered the question through my mind until the waiter came round to ask if I had finished with my plate. After she cleared the plates I went back to my thoughts concerning the investigation and the devices.

A few minutes later I felt my mobile go off in my pocket causing me to jump a little. I got it out and saw Ianto’s name on the display. This was odd since I rarely spoke to Ianto, except if we were out weevil hunting, in a meeting in the boardroom or when he delivered me my coffee in the morning, never outside Torchwood. I answered it with puzzlement in my voice.

“Hello, sorry if it does sound strange that I’m calling you.” He replied with a laugh, “I was just wondering if I could help you with the experiment?”

“Of course, Jack suggested I should get someone to help me.” I replied with a smile.

“Is Jack still with you?” Ianto asked quite awkwardly.

“No he ran off after Thomas.” I replied rather disappointed, “He showed up early and refused to sit down with us because Jack was with me, so he left with Jack after him.”

“Ah ok, so you don’t know when you will be back then?”

“No, as Jack asked me to stay in the cafe.” I replied, “Which is shit since it might be ages before he comes back.”

Suddenly I heard the sound of police sirens outside and I turned in my seat to see them drive past the window.  My thoughts then turned to Jack and Thomas and suddenly feared the worse.

“Sorry Ianto I have to go.” I said before hanging up and getting out of my seat. I left the cafe and started to run after the police cars.

jack/ianto, james elton, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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