Fic: Scenes Before The Scandal (Irene/Kate, PG-13)

Sep 16, 2012 22:39

Title: Scenes Before The Scandal
Author: topgeargirl2
Characters: Irene/Kate
Rating: PG-13
Length: 658
Warnings, kinks and contents: none 
A/N: Written for the sherlockbbc comm ficfest. Chose the Irene/Kate character prompt.
Disclaimer: Sherlock is owned by the BBC, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss
Summary: Before Sherlock, the scandal etc...Irene and Kate go about as normal

“Are you ever going to put down that phone?”

A sly smile passed over Irene Adler’s lips. “Just celebrating my latest conquest, darling,” she replied rather loudly, “are you missing me?”

Kate crossed her arms and sat down on the edge of the bed. “She must have been quite a catch.”

Irene turned away from the window, “She was fun, quite scandalous for a princess.” She laughed and placed the phone down on the table. “Shame I will be the only one to see it.”

“Oh you’re not going to blackmail then?”

Irene frowned, “Of course I am,” she walked around the bed and stopped to admire the view, “when the time is right.”

“Ah the plan,” Kate nodded and leaned back on her hands. “So he’s calling the shots then?”

Irene scoffed, “don’t be silly.” She knelt down and unzipped the side of Kate’s skirt. “He’s only in it for the ride.” The skirt fell to floor. “I’m always in charge.”

Kate giggled as Irene pulled down her black lacy kickers. Her head flicked up towards the ceiling. A soft moan passed between her lips. Irene was certainly in charge now.

“So what is the plan today?” Kate asked while they sat at the dressing table. The morning light shined upon Irene’s face revealing the woman behind the makeup, the vulnerability hidden behind the mask.

“I fancy a trip to Harrods,” Irene replied and smiled, “then lunch with dear Nicholas.”

“Oh is he a new client?”

Irene shook her head, “No, an old friend.” Kate noticed a different smile pass over Irene’s lips, like she was remembering an old joke that only she was in on.

“He’s meeting me at a fancy restaurant,” Irene went on in an unusual manner, “and then he will go back to his Tory mates in that stupid club near Whitehall.”

Kate wasn’t sure what to say. Certainly politicians and public servants had passed these walls, discreetly and socially. Sometimes they would reveal information in exchange for either pleasure or silence. None of them were her friends particularly, just horny individuals wanting their dignity left intact. She knew of a certain MOD clerk who certainly wouldn’t want anybody to find out about his dealing with Miss Adler, especially since he left something important behind.

“So what colour lipstick would it be today?” She asked deciding to drop the matter.

“Plum since I will be wearing my white linen dress today.”

“Very good choice,” Kate replied, “and the eye shadow?”

“Blue, I think or green,” Irene gently gripped Kate’s chin, “you choose today darling. Mummy has faith in you.”

Nicholas was certainly suave in his black pinstriped suit Kate thought as she stepped out of the car. Handsome in a classic sort of a way, more like old fashioned film star than today’s cream of the crop. Definitely a Tory, whatever someone’s definition of what a Conservative looked like. He didn’t look too old to be a MP but anything was possible nowadays.

“You must be Kate,” He said with a smile.

“Yes that’s me,” Kate replied and made a mental note to congratulate Irene. “You must be Nicholas.”

“Nick actually,” He corrected with a sigh blush of the cheek. “Nicholas is only used when I’m in trouble.”

“Oh you’re not in trouble,” Irene said when Kate opened her door. “I just like calling you Nicholas.”

“Ah Irene, you look as lovely as ever,” Nick replied and kissed her on the cheek. “I see you’re still in the game.”

“I never left as your cabinet MP would know.”

“I’m just a humble adviser to a man who pisses off the service,” Nick looked at Kate, “well their representative anyway.”

“Oh speaking of the iceman,” Irene linked her arm with his, “do you think he’s ready for a scandal?”

“What are you planning, Miss Adler?”

Irene picked up her phone and smiled.

“I think it’s time we stirred his interest, don’t you think?”

fic fests, sherlock, irene/kate, fic, pg-13

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