Christmas, it doesn't feel like Christmas yet.

Dec 14, 2010 22:46

1. Of course all the Christmas cards for all the flisters who wanted them have now been sent. Aussie flisters should have gotten them by now, so yeah I want to know who has received theirs.

2. I completed my Christmas shopping on Thursday and it wasn't hard to buy presents for my parents. My boyfriend however was a little tricky since he has a lot of Doctor Who DVDs so I ended up getting him a Doctor Who audio adventure instead. Lately he has been texting me to say that he has been thinking of me alot, which is really sweet.

3. Started a Merlin kink meme fic. It's going to be my first time writing Merlin and especially Arthur/Merlin. The prompt is hurt/comfort but has a magical twist.

4. I'm looking forward to the Doctor Who Christmas special which will be shown on Australian television on Sunday the 26th of December. So yeah 24 hours after the UK which is fantastic!

christmas cards, christmas, shopping, doctor who, merlin, writing

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