The Wikileaks saga just keeps geting interesting (someone really needs to make a movie)

Dec 07, 2010 23:04

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested earlier in London. Ok it's for unrelated charges but there is now fear that he might be also extradited to the United States from Sweden to face charges for posting the embassy cables.

The Guardian of course have a blog of live updates on the recent developments

I have really failed at keeping up with the cables, now only relying on the ABC on updates since there is so much articles to read. I think it's also because there hasn't been anything published about Australia so far instead for the talk between former PM Kevin Rudd and Hillary Clinton on China. In my opinion there hasn't been anything too surprising.

In other news the creator of Mr Squiggle died. Mr Squiggle was a children's show on the ABC which had a puppet who drew pictures on a very grumpy blackboard. He also lived on the moon and arrived on earth to entertain us young children on the television.

wikileaks, news, interests, links, life, newspapers

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