Doctor Who: Cold Blood

Jun 14, 2010 16:03

Here are my thoughts on Cold Blood:

1. Amy just gets better and better. I love that she picked the pocket of the homo-reptilian. I believe that she would be a great thief.

2. I like that Rory completely had trust in the Doctor.

3. It was weird how decontamination effected the Doctor because he has two hearts.

4. I liked the story about why the homo-reptilians hid themselves underground for a millennium. I love that they thought the moon was going to crash into the Earth.

5. I understood why Ambrose killed Aleya but she really didn't think about the consequences.

6. I love the talks between the homo-reptilians and the humans. The smugness of the Doctor was brilliant like he was glad to make good for awhile. I love his use of the word fab. Amy's suggestion to give them the Australian outback was ill thought but a nice try.

7. I like the Doctor getting the Earth ready to be shared in the future. I hope that it will turn out ok.

8. Oh it was interesting that the crack showed up and that the Doctor decided to stick his hand in and got a piece of shrapnel.

9. It was sad that Rory died and the crack took his body out of existence. I liked that the Doctor tried to get Amy to remember Rory. In the end though she ended up forgetting him. I have faith that Rory will return.

10. It was even more interesting that the shrapnel turned out to be a piece of the Tardis. 

Next time: Vincent and the Doctor

steven moffat, thoughts, amy pond, the doctor, eleven, doctor who

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