Merlin is so slashy but I love it and other wonderful things.

Apr 10, 2010 23:40

Today I decided to get out of the house and go shopping. I purchased the first series of Merlin, which I want to re-watch since the second series is due to start soon in Australia. I've seen four episodes so far and I love the slashyness of it.  I have two favourite parings Arthur/Merlin and Merlin/Gwen. Though the second is only because of the awkwardness. I've always loved the awkwardness between those two.

I also bought Doctor Who: The End of Time on DVD which I want to re-watch before the New Series with Eleven starts on Sunday 18th of April, so yeah only a week until it starts on Australian Television. I'm so excited because I can't wait to see how Matt Smith does at being the Doctor. So far it has been positive and I can't wait to see Eleven for the first time.

I also started a kinkmeme fic for touchyerwood  which will probably make cruentum  happy since he's the one who is convincing or should that be making people write porn for the meme. Couldn't write it today since it's going to be a dark piece and after watching Merlin I'm not in the mood to write darkly. So yeah I have to set up the mood sometime for me to write it. so yeah it probably not be up for awhile but I see how I'll go.

Lately people like lefaym  and copperbadge  have written stories featuring the Eleventh doctor. Well after next Sunday I will be able to read them. Thank God

Only a week until I see fish fingers eaten with custard.

doctor who, merlin, porn, tv, stories, touchyerwood, slash, torchwood

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