My new layout and other exciting stuff

Mar 16, 2010 22:30

Yeah I have a new LJ layout and the header is a picture I took about a few weeks ago now. At Adelaide Zoo they now have two Giant Panda which will be there for the next two years. Right now you have to book a time to see them since they have created a lot of interest and people are flocking to the zoo.

I've also got back into White Collar after missing a few episodes due to other shows and scheduling on Channel Ten's part. I got into this show when it was shown over summer here and I instantly got hooked. I love El, Peter's wife and the banter between Neal and Peter. Every critic has called it bromance but I'm not sure. I'm sure though that it's not slash. I want to write a White Collar fic though but with a OC who was an old friend of Neal's. It's in my mind waiting to get on the page.

Also I'm watching Desperate Housewives, which I've haven't seen since series three which was quite boring. Like everyone else have got back into it because of John Barrowman. I can't wait to see how he fits in with the mysterious family. Ok so in Australia his episodes won't be shown until at least may or june but I know it will be worth the wait. This season has been great so far and it's gone back to what I used to love about it. Next week's episode here looks like it's going to be a cracker.

um yeah so that's it.

Oh and the icon of course is Neal Caffrey, a very sexy man.

One more thing, you can now ask me anything anonymously from here

me, pandas, john barrowman, tv, white collar, desperate housewives, life, ramble

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