I'm Singing in the Rain for reel_torchwood

Feb 20, 2010 22:37

I watched Singing in the Rain twice today and have now made a plan for my reel_torchwood  fic. It will be the same story but set in 1920s Britain and how their industry coped with the move to "talkies".

Also I worked out the three main characters.

Don Lockwood- Jack Harkness
Cosmo Brown- Ianto Jones
Kathy Selden- Toshiko Sato

After watching the film those three seemed perfect as those characters. Jack especially would make a perfect Don Lockwood. You need to watch the film to know why. Also it will be a Jack/Tosh pairing because I want to remain traditional for this fic and everyone else will be writing Jack/Ianto in their fics so I want to be different.

I'm really excited about this.

Also Gene Kelly is mesmerizing to watch, during the "Singing in the Rain" dance sequence I had a huge grin on my face. I won't be leaving out that scene in my fic, there is no way that I would. 

plans, movies, singing in the rain, writing, torchwood, reel_torchwood

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