Snagged from
phaetonschariot How to do this meme: Using only EPISODE names from ONE TV SHOW, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat an episode title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as "My life according to (show)".
Describe yourself: The Unquiet Dead
How do you feel?: Fear Her
Describe where you live: New Earth
If you could go anyway where would you go?: Utopia
Your favourite form of transport: The Idiot's Lantern
Your Best Friend is: Rose
What's the Weather like: Tooth and Claw
Favourite Time of Day: Midnight
If your life was a tv show, it would be called: Partners in Crime
What is life to you: Love and Monsters
Your Fear: World War Three
What is the best advice you have to give: Turn Left
Thought of the Day: Blink
How I would like to die: Time Crash
My Soul's present condition: The end of the world
My Motto: The Doctor Dances