Two Jack/Ianto drabbles

Sep 19, 2009 22:23

The music played loudly in the club while Ianto sipped his beer. He wasn’t sure why he let Jack suggest this place but he really was having a good time...well almost.

“Now I’m hungry like the wolf,” Jack sang loudly but strangely in tune.

Ianto rolled his eyes and placed his glass down. The eighties wasn’t his favourite decade for music but he didn’t mind Duran Duran, instead when other people were singing their songs. He moved over and kissed Jack on the lips.

“What was that for?” Jack asked.

“I wanted to shut you up.”

“Spoil sport!”

Ianto laughed.

For drabblewriter

Fandom: Torchwood
Title: In the Darkness
Author: topgeargirl2
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Prompt: Nightmare
Rating: G
Genre: hurt/comfort

The loud gasp was what woke Jack up, followed by a groan. It didn’t surprise him since nightmares plagued Ianto’s mind. Lisa, cybermen and Torchwood One was just some of the things that haunted the young man’s mind.

Jack rolled over to see Ianto staring up at the ceiling. It was like this every night but Ianto kept assuring Jack that he didn’t want his sympathy. Without warning Jack draped a hand over Ianto’s stomach.

“Please Jack,” Ianto pleaded in the darkness, “Just leave me alone.”

Jack ignored him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Tears started to fall.

challenge, jack/ianto, meme, nightmare, drabbles, hungry like the wolf, duran duran, torchwood

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