A day of good fortune

Sep 03, 2009 18:43

Today I got my first creative writing assignment back in the post from Tafe. Apparently I did very well in what we had to do, which was a piece on a object, a review on a novel we have recently read and 50 words on how we thought the wheel was invented. I shocked when I saw I got an A for my assignment (that's how they are being marked). I thought I would get a least a 'B' but I'd never thought I was a really good writer. So I'm very happy about it and still a little shocked. My parents told me that they were proud of me.

Also today I finished my second assignment which I will hand in at my third lesson which will be this Tuesday. I had to re write a timed writing piece I did on a memory from my childhood.

I have now finished The Shadow of the Wind and it was a very beautiful story. I enjoyed it every much.

success, random, books, me, writing

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