Aug 20, 2003 14:32
Top 5 things I miss about the dorms
5. The crack heads, technos, and gymnasts and the lesbians that liked to exhile themselves from the rest of the floor, or randomly bitch to you when they did...
4. Being able to run next door and see my bestest friend.
3. Drunken times w/ all the boys, falling asleep on dave's head, time spent in matt and chubs' room, floor outings to the AKL house
2. Music wars!
1. Being nightly roomates with Infestus when we were sexiled from one room or the other.
Top Things I love about my new apartment
5. Close enough to greek row where i can walk home from parties, but far enough away that I can't hear all of it.
4. "Get togethers" that I can throw with more than 6 people.
3. I'm on my own!!!
2. No parking a mile away from where I live!
1. Kitchen!!!