So, in case you don't know me, I'm somewhat of an intellectual. I'm an English major, which means only philosophy majors blow more hot air than I do -- and the jury is still out on which of the two majors is guilty of more shameless intellectual masturbation -- and even worse, I'm in graduate school. I've taken film classes and psychoanalysis classes and every other kinda high-falutin' expense of spirit you can think of, and I read opaque critical theory texts for fun. I quote obscure Renaissance literature as often as I can, and nothing thrills me more than making a witty pun or an allusion that nobody gets (anyone recognize the phrase "expense of spirit?"). So, that's me... and with that introduction, I give you...
5) Under the Tuscan Sun: Seriously, I could watch this movie over and over again. Despite what my love for this movie may suggest, I am not, in fact, an overweight, middle-aged spinster who gorges on bonbons to forget my miserable, unloved life (give me a few years, though). This movie makes me want to learn flag-tossing. It also makes me want to pick up and move to Italy and find some hot Italian to have a torrid love affair with. Dream big, I always say.
4) Romy and Michele's High School Reunion: They may not have invented Post-Its, but Romy and Michele certainly make me wish I remembered the eighties. And you know you STILL get a little tingle of "oh yeah, take that bitch!!" when the formerly-bitchy now-fashion-editor-for-Vogue compliments the girls' designs at the reunion. One day, I will memorize the dance to "Time After Time" and perform it at my own reunion... once I find two more people to do it with. I'm accepting applications.
3) Beautician and the Beast: Oh, Fran Drescher. How I <3 thee. Seriously, I challenge you to find a better line in any movie than, "Ma?! You fed chicken to a chicken?! That's Silence of the Chickens!" Enough said.
2) Last Holiday: OK. It's Queen Latifah. The plot is about as transparent as Jewel claiming she's really always wanted to sing synthesized pop music instead of the folk songs she's sung (and written!) her whole life. Yes, the movie probably could have been manufactured by a chain-gang of underpaid ferrets, but you know what? This movie is damn funny! And damn inspiring, too! Every time I watch it, for approximately five to ten minutes afterward, I decide to revamp my life and make sure I live it to its fullest, to make sure that I will be "just not so scared anymore." And c'mon! Queen Latifah is just about the warmest, most lovable actress ever. Period. Besides Ryan Phillippe.
1) Spiceworld: Little Gucci dress or not, this movie is a riot. It may not be Oscar-worthy, but it never fails to amaze me to see what happens if you give a bunch of British girls a whole crapload of money. Indeed, I think this proves the age-old question about forty-seven monkeys with forty-seven typewriters for forty-seven years... or something like that.
Interestingly, though, almost all of my favorite movies fall into the same genres as these movies. Indeed, if I were to give you nothing but a list of the movies I enjoy, you'd probably think I'm a harebrained fourteen-year-old girl, the variety who wishes she was really, really popular but isn't so she drowns herself in escapist idealization of vapid high school cliques and "true love." (Restrain your gag reflex, man! Restrain!). To be honest, you wouldn't be far off... except for the fourteen-year-old girl part. (I'm a twenty-three-year-old male.)
Go figure.
Note: Dammit. I had another idea for a funny top-five list, and now I've forgotten. Fiddlesticks! If I recall, I shall post again.