So I'm going to this Oscar party where we have to bring some kind of Oscar-themed food item. We've been compiling the list for months now so I thought I'd take a moment to fulfill
theskooch's request for more Oscar-centric Top 5 lists and bring you...
Top 10 Oscar-related Foods! Jam-packed full of deliciousness!
10. A tie between The Constant Garden Salad and Pride & Veggie-Sticks
9. Wok the Line starring Reese's Pieces Witherspoon and Joaquin Chez-It
8. Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Roast Rabbit
7. Memoirs of a Gummi Bear
6. Enron: The Hottest Fries in the Room
5. Tim Burton's Seven Course Bride
4. Best song nominee "It's hard-boiled out here for an egg"
3. Philip Seymour Hotwings
2. Sushi-ana
1. Crashed Potatoes