Video Game Review: Resident Evil 4

Feb 28, 2006 12:06

On the dark and dreary ninth floor of a Downtown Los Angeles office building, a group of brave souls huddle in front of a projection screen, cowering in fear. One of the group grips a video game controller in his/her hand, valiently trying to keep the evil at bay. But often, it is not enough. Thank God for the "save" function...

For the last month and a half, myself and a group of friends have spent our Monday evenings attempting to complete the game "Resident Evil 4" without going completely insane. Because it's about as scary as the thought of cloning baby Hitlers.

If you have the chance to play this game on a wide screen with 5.1 surround sound capability...DO IT. It brings a level of terror to the game that is unsurpasable. I've spent most of my time with this game as a spectator and because of the visual brillance of the game itself, I'm completely okay with that. Sure, it's fun to shoot dudes in the head, but the beauty of this game is that it's so cinematique that it's not a total bore when you have to hand off the controls.

Did I say "shoot dudes in the head"? Here's a hint: this is the one time in a zombie-like (these dudes aren't "zombies", they are "infected" we like to call them "not-zombie zombies") game where YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHOOT THINGS IN THE HEAD. Bad things will happen. Bad things that will haunt your dreams.

But I'll let you figure that one out for yourselves...

One last little tip: near the beginning of the game you'll find a wolf/dog stuck in a trap. Free it. Whatever you do, don't shoot it in the face. We learned that one the hard way too...

4.5 out of 5

video_games, zombies

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