Lost - Season 2 Episode 2

Sep 29, 2005 15:09

Episode 2 - Adrift

Last week, Jack gets a lesson in destiny as the man in the hatch is seemingly a man from his past. Would we get any further answers on this subject? Well, no... but the episode does answer a lot of other questions. Read on to find them out....

Please note that spoilers are contained within. Also, things may not be in the exact order they happened as I am writing this from memory.

We pick up this weeks episode with our rafters seconds after the events in the finale as Michael, Jin and Sawyer find themselves sans raft and "adrift" (those clever writers) in the middle of the ocean. Michael's scream for Walt are drowned out by him almost drowning and so one armed Sawyer comes to his rescue, drags him onto a piece of the raft, does some pretty half assed CPR and revives Michael.

Meanwhile, back at the hatch, Kate gets sucked into the hole and Locke decides to descend in after her. Seems like this week we will be getting his point of view of things of what happened down there before Jack showed up. Anyway, Locke gets into the hatch, and to show he is a good guest, takes off his shoes before proceeding inside (either that or his shoes were squeaky). Locke finds Kate in his travels and before he can find out what has happened, he has a gun pointed at his head by Desmond. Desmond asks Locke “Are you him?” and Locke of course says yes. For a minute he almost had Desmond fooled, until of course Desmond asks him what did one snowman say to the other snowman which Locke didn’t know the answer to. Geez Locke, everyone knows it’s “Do you smell carrots”. Anyway, without the correct response Desmond snaps and decides to lock up Kate and use Locke as a hostage in case anything else comes down the hatch.

Flashback time, as we go back to Michael shortly after his accident talking to his lawyer about how Susan (the biggest bitch in the whole damn world and Walt’s mother) wants Michael to give up all his rights as Walt’s father. Harsh. Michael’s lawyer advises that it may not be a wise decision to go into this fight with the weapons he has. Michael mulls it over.

Back in hatch land, Locke and Desmond have a heart to heart which doesn’t reveal too much other than Desmond was surprised to hear that the world is still in OK shape and that none of the castaways have become sick yet. While they talk, Kate escapes her bonds, steals some chocolate and heads up into the air ducts just as Jack decides to stick his nose into everyone’s business and make Desmond go crazy again. Stupid Jack.

Back in the ocean, after a shark scare, Sawyer and Michael are trading barbs as to whose fault it was that Walt got kidnapped, which leads Sawyer to leave his raft piece and go to his own. Unfortunately, both pieces are stuck in the same current and the two travel side by side in the ocean trading more one liners as Sawyer really gets a chance to show off his smart ass side. Not only that, he takes it upon himself to remove the bullet in his shoulder bare handed. Looked painful, and an open wound filled with salt water is probably not a good combination.

Also of note I noticed something interesting on the shark as it swam by which was confirmed by a screen cap I found this morning. Apparently the shark had the same symbol seen everywhere in the hatch tattooed on its tail. This can be seen at this link.


I must say I like how Lost rewards sharp eyed viewers with all of these little Easter eggs.

Back to some flashbacks, as Michael and his lawyer meet up with Susan and her lawyers. They argue a bit, and Susan’s lawyer really lays into Michael which I found to be unnecessary. Also, in the next flashback, Susan uses her sleaziness and convinces Michael to give up Walt as it’s in his best interest. You know, I am glad Susan is dead. Everything she says and does makes her into more of a horrible person. Bitch.

Back to the ocean, Sawyer taunts Michael again, saying that the worst Michael could do was splash him. So Michael takes the bait and does this that, causing Sawyer to quickly move and then by doing force the vines holding his piece of the raft together to come loose forcing Sawyer to once again drag himself upon Michael’s hunk of raft. They remain there until a piece of the pontoon floats by, which Sawyer swims after. A sharks chases him, Michael shoots the shark (Being very careful not to jump over it), and both of them make it on to the pontoon which they ride until morning.

Back in the hatch, Desmond prepares for Jack’s arrival when a siren goes off. Apparently a countdown is about to finish, which prompts Desmond to force Locke to input the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 into a computer and press “Execute” before time runs out. Not sure what this does, or prevents, but it appears that it has to be done every 108 minutes (the sum total of the aforementioned 6 numbers). Afterwards, we pick up from the exact scene from last episode and we leave the hatch at the Jack/Desmond showdown with Locke playing damsel in distress.

Our last flashback sees Michael meeting with Susan and Walt in a park as Michael says goodbye to Walt in a tear inducing scene. Aww. Michael also takes it upon himself to give young Walt a stuffed Polar Bear (interesting) and sadly watches them walk away with tears in his eyes. Aww x2.

Back to Michael and Sawyer as they float their way back to the island, although not to a part they are used too. As the walk on shore they hear Jin yelling something in Korean only to see him come running to the beach with his hands tied up. As they untie him, he is able to communicate a single word “Others” as a pack of misbegotten islanders stand behind with spears and torches as our scene fades to black.

Another good episode, although logically I think it would have been better to put the first two episodes together as one. The Michael episodes continue to be the weakest as I didn’t find myself caring to much about his back story, mainly because the character of Susan is so crappy and I’m also not a big fan of Walt. Everything else though was golden and I can’t wait to get the secrets of the hatch revealed next week (or so we were promised). Also, next week is on tap to be a “Locke” episode and his story has been fantastic thus far.

**** out of *****

lost, daniel_dae_kim, harold_perrineau, j.j._abrams, emilie_de_ravin, terry_o'quinn, dominic_monaghan, tv, matthew_fox

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